This blog is my gift to you, an opportunity to be uplifted and consider Christ in a different, more powerful way every day-- with some occasional venting (LOL). Live a life that’s pleasing to God. Enjoy every breath, every moment that He gives you to make a difference on your journey to heaven!!!
I’m a self-proclaimed do-it-yourselfer! Yes indeed, I’m a self-published Christian fiction author who tackles real-life issues while honoring the perfect holiness of God. I am a radical because Christ, the God I serve, is certainly radical! He broke bread with “undesirables,” flipped over tables, and drove out those who dared to disrespect the temple of God. He understands that we come from different backgrounds and life experiences. That’s why He is still able to convert criminals, prostitutes, adulterers, liars and the like. It is my mission to create works that encompass the values and characteristics of Christ through stories about characters from different walks of life, but centered in the One True God. As a licensed clinical social worker with over 15 years of experience, I also try to present issues in my stories that are relevant to the average person, letting them know that they are not alone in their challenges, while hopefully giving them the courage to make changes when necessary. I believe in making life happen instead of waiting on it to happen!