While teaching my adult Sunday school class, I boldly confessed a sin in front of everyone. I told them the truth--"I don't trust God." This declaration brought about stares and gasps. I'm sure it was hard to believe coming from a woman like me who claims to be a Christian and even teaches the Word of God to others.
I quickly explained to them that I struggle with tithing from time to time--even though I have seen God work on my behalf when I have been obedient to His Word. I have experienced Him providing me with the ability to pay a bill that I didn't have enough money to pay, or enabling my child to participate in an activity that I couldn't necessarily afford. So I should know better, right? Probably. But the truth is, like many other Christians, I have often allowed my faith to waiver under adverse circumstances. And that amounts to nothing other than sin.
Scripture says in 1 John 5:14, "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have desired of him." You can't get any simpler than this!!! If we ask anything according to God's will--not ours, He honors our petitions!!! But in case you missed a key point at the beginning of the scripture, it says this is the confidence we have in him. It doesn't say the confidence we should have!!! It is imperative that we exercise our confidence in God--our faith--our trust. When we don't depend on God to meet our needs, we are basically saying what I was honest enough to share with my class, "Lord, I don't trust you!"
Now that may not sound like something a Christian should be saying, but faith equals trust. When we let circumstances ruin our faith, we are telling God--who created all heaven and earth--that we don't trust Him. And we know that we serve a God we can trust!!! If you are struggling with any sin or situation, know that you can trust God. He has proven that he is trust worthy by the simple act of waking you up, and giving you a second chance even though you have not put your trust where it belongs!!!
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