This year brought a series of unexpected disappointments, subsequently causing me at times to doubt what God has planned for me. At times I waddled in frustration, other times I stewed in anger. As a writer, so much of my time is utilized thinking about characters and stories--a generous gift of creative energy from God. But truthfully, I allowed Satan to rob me of my creative energy because I was busy focusing on my failures and disappointments, and the blessings I am still praying for and waiting on.
In talking with others, sometimes you realize that your problems are minute in comparison to what others are going through. I began to ask myself, "Who am I to be angry because my publishing schedule was thrown off by something out of my control, when another family member is literally fighting for his life?" I began to reflect on God's goodness and thought about how wonderful He is to have given me such an extraordinary gift--to be able to touch people's hearts with my words--His words through me. I thought about the fact that even in a poor economy, I have remained gainfully employed with a job that is able to provide my basic needs and some extras. I remembered that God has shown me over the course of the years that He hears me when I pray. He's talked to me in ways that I can understand and sent others to minister to me when I have been down in the dumps spiritually. I have the two best friends in the whole world, who love me and correct lovingly. I could go on and on about my good health, having a great kid, and a loving mother. But all I really need to say is "Thank You, Lord."
Take some time today to reflect on the good things in your life, God's grace to you, and all of the ways He is providing for you and sustaining you. You will begin to fall in love with Him all over again and the "big" problems in your life will become minuscule. Thank Him and fall in love with Him today.
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